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An evening with Carl Chinn

An evening with Carl Chinn

BIRMINGHAM’S favourite historian will be a guest speaker at St Paul’s Club. Professor Carl Chinn, who was born in Moseley, became a full-time professor at the University of Birmingham in 2002. He is well known for his writing and broadcasting about Birmingham history....

Major George Onions VC – a brief biography

Major George Onions VC – a brief biography

MAJOR George Onions received the highest order for gallantry after taking 200 German prisoners who were threatening an attack at Ashliet-le-Petit in Northern France. With one comrade, who died as a result of the encounter, Lance Corporal Onions, as he was at the time,...

Club in ‘listening’ mode

Club in ‘listening’ mode

DAN Norman, vice-president, (pictured second from the right with some younger members at the George Onions VC Dinner) is leading a ‘listening project’ for St Paul’s Club. He is behind the setting up of focus groups to better understand what members and potential...

Birmingham Press Club at St Paul’s

Birmingham Press Club at St Paul’s

DON’T believe what those people in Vienna might try to tell you. Birmingham Press Club is the oldest press club in the world having been founded in 1865. St Paul’s Club is even older, but a combined age of more than 300 years is something special. Since the summer of...

New look at St Paul’s Club

New look at St Paul’s Club

MEMBERS and guests will find something just a bit different when they visit St Paul’s Club. As part of on-going investment in the Club a new carpet has been laid in the iconic dining room. As well as member events, the Club is available for hire for events such as...

Property Lunch

Property Lunch

ST Paul's Club holds regular Property Lunches. This provides an opportunity for professionals from the property and related sectors to get together for lunch and some informal networking. Our photograph shows Dan Norman, Vice-President of St Paul's Club with his wife...

Wedding Fayre

Wedding Fayre

THERE will be a Wedding Fayre at St Paul's Club in conjunction with Keracare. It will be the first of its kind at St Paul's Club and is on Sunday, July 29 between 11.30am and 3.30pm. There will be exhibitors, a honeymoon competition, free massage and hair makeovers as...

Thanks to our sponsors

Thanks to our sponsors

OUR grateful thanks to Bookers Wholesale and Gareth Homer for their generous donation of foodstuff and to Richard Davies of Marstons for the wine and the fantastic raffle prizes. Also many thanks to Tony Kelly of Firmans Ltd for the replica VC’s, Shirley and Little...

Wonderful celebration of George Onions VC

Wonderful celebration of George Onions VC

A SPLENDID £580 was raised for military charities when St Paul's Club held a dinner to commemorate its former member Major George Onions who was awarded the VC in August 1918. Our photographs show the excellent Linda Stynn who provided the entertainment with songs...
