The Club
St Paul’s Club is Birmingham’s oldest club founded in 1859. The founding Members comprised manufacturers and merchants of the Jewellery Quarter and business district meeting daily for luncheon. The Club moved to St Paul’s Square in 1906 with the purchase of Number 34.
Originally the Club was a community in the classic gentleman’s sense. Although we still subscribe to some of those traditional values, the club is now truly a cosmopolitan and modern organisation for both male and female Members.
With the recent departure from St Paul’s Square, the Club is now conveniently located within 2 miles of Birmingham City Centre at Edgbaston Hall. The truly unique venue offers a fantastic location, relaxation and a huge array of food, drink and facilities for business and professional people. The atmosphere of St Paul’s Club is of comfort and genial fellowship, fostered by the traditions of over a one and a half centurys continuous existence.
The Front Door
All members are allotted a swipe card to enable them to have free access to both Edgbaston Hall and the Club Members Lounger during hours of opening.
The Dining Room and Table
The Dining Room and the long table are the focal point of the Club and at which all joints and dishes are served.
A Chairman, Vice-Chairman and House Chairman are appointed weekly to officiate at this Table and all members are given the opportunity of occupying these chairs by rotation. A President and Vice-President change annually.
The Membership enjoys not only meals but also an active bridge team, golfing days, evening and networking functions.
St Paul’s Club New Members
A member wishing to introduce a prospective member to the Club must bring that prospective member into the Club as a guest on at least two occasions. This is in order to be introduced to the President or Vice-President and two other members of the Committee who may be present at the time.
The Member then asks the Hon. Secretary to present full details of the applicant to the Committee at the next Committee Meeting. If approval is obtained he will receive an Application Form which must be returned to the Hon. Secretary, duly signed by the Proposer and a Seconder who must of course be a Member of the Club.
Notice is posted to all members of the intended applicant for support, or otherwise by the Members in general. After 14 days an election is taken by ballot by the general body of Members immediately after the Members Lunch.
Hours of Opening
Edgbaston Hall is open from 8am Monday to Saturday and 9am on Sunday until 8pm. Edgbaston Hall is available for evening and private functions, by arrangement with the House Manager).
Membership of Edgbaston Golf Club is social in nature; enquiries as to Golf fees should be directed to the appropriate staff.
Details of Entrance Fees, Categories of Membership, Subscription rates etc will be supplied by the Hon Secretary on request.
St Paul’s Club Attire
Members are expected to be dressed reasonably and formally (collar, tie and jacket). It is recognised that fashions change, but members, old and young, are asked at all times to use a sense of proportion in this matter out of respect for all concerned and the dignity and traditions of the Club.
St Pauls Club Guests
The Club enjoys an outstanding reputation for its welcome and hospitality to members’ guests – official or unofficial – and particularly those from abroad – all being regarded as guests of the Club as well as of the Member by whom they are introduced. Official annual guests include The Lord Mayor, on St. George’s Day, The Bishop and The Chief Constable.